Frustrated with the situation with my blender, I turned to a non profit organization my daughter has interacted with over the past few years. They are working with indigenous peoples in the Ecuadorean Amazon to take their organic cocao, process it in Quito into chocolate bars and cacao, export it into the US and sell it at Whole Foods. They were even on 60 minutes for their achievements. Amazing.
So, I thought, I’ll talk to them about buying cacao from them. Should be a no brainer. My daughter and I work in the same region of Ecuador and could do a water project in their community. I could visit their farmers and know where my cacao is coming from. Could be really powerful.
To my chagrin, the same people who used to be friendly collaborators in the cause of preserving the Amazon for all of us by giving indigenous people the opportunity to earn an income while sustainably harvesting cacao, have now embraced the no transparency mantra. Apparently someone in Bolinas CA visited their farms and professed to use their cacao when in fact they were using cheaper stuff. So, no more transparency. I am not welcome to visit their farmers and apparently can’t even buy cacao from them, all because I asked to visit their farmers while I was in the same region of the Ecuadorean Amazon.
Makes me wonder what they are hiding, not a good plan for an organization that professes to be doing what it’s doing on 60 Minutes….